Create and Edit a Task

Tasks can be created from the Task area in the main navigation menu or from any folder (assuming that your user profile allows you to create Tasks).

From the Task area select 'New Task'...

From any folder select Actions/New Task ...

This will open up the 'Create Task' page...

The first part ...

The majority of fields on the form are obvious but there are a few points worth noting...

  1. The Title is REQUIRED
  2. The Folder is REQUIRED - the task will show in the Task area but also in the chosen folder - this folder choice is important as it defines who can access the task and therefore who the task can be assigned to. The folder will be pre-populated if the Task has been created from a Folder (via Actions/New Task). If the Task is being created from the Tasks area then you will need to select a folder.
    The Assignees cannot be defined until a folder is chosen. You may decide to have folders set up in different areas of GVO for Tasks (Action Logs, Compliance Records) for different groups (boards, committees etc)
  3. The Board or Board/Committee is Optional and is used for reporting purposes (see later) - only boards that you have access to are displayed

    The second part of the create/edit form allows additional text about the task to be added as well as links to existing GVO documents and Training Courses. The Task can be 'access controlled' at Task level (this supercedes the access controls from the containing folder).

    The SUBMIT button will remain greyed out until REQUIRED items are filled in.

    Pressing SUBMIT will save the task. At this stage NO e-mail notifications have been sent - when the task is correct use the SHARE button to alert the assigned users to the task.