Create/Edit Board Structure - Multi Academy Trust (MAT)

In a MAT GVO only the GVO Manager can create new 'Local Boards' and add/edit the main sections of Governor Records. 

Other users can see the board content and records but cannot amend them (apart from adding their own 'register of interest' information). If the GVO has not yet been set to 'MAT Mode' please contact the GVO Support desk so this can be arranged - it is an immediate change.

Note: In a large MAT is possible to allow specific users (eg Local Clerks) to manage local board roles and committee membership - see the help section for this.

To set up the Trust Board use the Users/Boards/Reporting option from the main navigator. 

Select the name of the Trust Board (initially this will be the same as the name of the GVO but can be changed during the edit process).

To add a 'Local Board' use the 'New Board' button on this same page. There are no limits to the number of local boards that can be added. Local Boards can be deleted using the edit function - this process is not recoverable.

Initially the board (Trustee Board or Local Board) will be empty and the screen will look as shown.

Use the 'Edit Trustee Board' or 'Edit Board' for a local board button to do the following:-

1. Edit the name of the board

2. Edit the name of the 'Organisation' (usually the School or College name) - this is used if Policies are published publicly. If this is left blank then the public policy viewer will use the board name.

3. Add the GVO users who are on this board - use the checkboxes to select...

3. Decide if this board will be used as a normal 'group' so that it can also be used for notifications and folder/file access control - this is recommended to avoid the need to have a separate 'user group' for this purpose.

5. Define the committees that form this board - these will be used as part of the Governor Records later. Leave blank if you do not want any committees.

6. Press SUBMIT

The board will be saved and will look like this...

To make any changes to the Trustee Board or Local Board (for example to add or remove users) follow the same steps.

NOTE: Any users who are removed from the board will be listed in the 'former members' section and their records will be 'locked'. This history can be deleted if necessary in case of errors.
Removing them from the 'Former board member' list does not affect their normal GVO user profile.