Using the 'SHARE' function

The 'Share' function allows users to send an immediate email notification to selected fellow governors/trustees which contains a secure link to a folder or document in the GVO - this could be to a meeting, a document, a policy, a discussion or a task. The link will take the recipients to the EXACT same page that you are looking at when you selected SHARE.

To  'Share' just use the 'Share' button on the page (document or folder) you wish to send to the  relevant list of Governors/Trustees. The button is always located at the upper right hand side of the screen.

The Share function allows you to select who will receive the notification.
The list of possible recipients is based on the following criteria...

1. If the item is 'unrestricted' then the full list of GVO users and User Groups will be offered (you may need to scroll to see the groups at the bottom of the list).
NOTE: 'Inactive' users will not be displayed as a notification cannot be sent to them.

2. If the item is in a restricted folder then the list of options will only show the users and groups that have access to that folder (the user list is taken from the groups who have access)

3. If the item is restricted at the document level then the list of options will only show the users and groups that have access to that specific document (the user list is taken from the groups who have access)

There is a search box which allows a long list of users to be reduced....just type some of the letters in the user's name in the box.

Select the users and/or groups that you wish to notify, amend the title of the email (recommended) and add any content to be added to the message (also recommended).

TOP TIP: It is good practice to make the title and the message meaningful so that the recipient understands why they have received the notification into their inbox.

The Title might say things like For Information, For Comment, For Approval, For Action

The Message body might provide more information about what the recipient is required to do (and by when) - example 
"Please read this document and add any comments/approval ideally by dd/mm/yyyy, thanks, The Clerk"

Press SUBMIT and you will receive a confirmation message indicating that the email has been sent - to check everything is OK you may wish to include yourself in the list of people to be notified (there is a setting in your user profile to automate this).

NOTE: The email that is sent out will show the list of the recipients if that has been allowed in the Master Settings otherwise the message is sent out 'blind copied' (BCC). The BCC option is to prevent the email addresses of all recipients being visible (important in a MAT) and also to prevent a 'reply to all' being used that could create a large amount of unwanted email traffic.