Create/Edit Governor Records
Only the Local GVO Manager can create or edit a Governor Record (*see footnote) with the exception of the 'Register of Interests' element which the user can add/edit themselves.
Note 1: If you are not sure who the GVO Manager is for your GVO then use the 'Users, Boards & Reporting' option on the main navigator and look down the user list - the role of each user is displayed.
The Governor records are created (and edited) after the single school/college or MAT board structure has been set up and Governors added to the Board (single school/college GVO) or the Trust or Local Board in a MAT GVO. In a MAT a user can be a member of more than one board (eg The Trust Board and a Local School Board) and there will be a Governor record for each board.
To create or edit the Governor Record use the Users, Boards and Reporting option from the main navigator and select Board(s) to see the available board(s) and then select the board that you wish to create/edit the record for....
This will open up the list of users in that board.
Select the Governor where the Governor Record information is to be added or updated….the current records information will be displayed (empty if the record has not yet been created).
Use the 'Edit Board Member' button to open up the edit screen.
The edit screen will appear.
Add the relevant information for:-
1. Governor Type (pre-defined drop-down for this GVO - see GVO Settings page)
2. Appointing Organisation (pre-defined drop-down for this GVO - see GVO Settings Page)
3. Election Date and Term Ends Date (N/A is allowed for Term End date)
4. Position(s) held on this board (pre-defined list from the master data in GVO Settings)
5. Additional Information (using a check-box method based on a pre-defined list from the master data in GVO Settings)
6. DBS information (Disclosure Barring Service)
7. Committee memberships (pre-defined list from the board record)
8. OPTIONAL - the Register of Interests information (and date) - this can be done by the user themself as well.
NOTE: If additional items are needed in the pre-defined lists then please contact your local GVO Manager who can add them
NOTE: If you are editing your own record then you MUST add the date at the bottom (otherwise the submit button is greyed out).
Note: You can update the Governor Record of a user whose user profile has been removed from the GVO as long as they are still on the board.
Example below...
Note* In a large MAT and single school/college it is possible to set up additional users on each board to manage the local board roles, committee names and committee members - this reduces the workload away from the GVO Manager. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS