Add File

To add a single file (maximum size 35mb) from your PC or Tablet into the GVO follow the steps below (assuming your user access allows this)...

Note: If you wish to use the 'approval' feature on the file you can add this later (link here) or use the 'Document for Approval' from the options in the Actions button (if your profile allows this).

If you wish to add multiple files please see this section of the help database - ADD MULTIPLE FILES

1. Navigate to the folder where you want to add the file 


2. Press the Actions button and select 'New File'
Note: If there is no 'New File' option then your user profile or the folder restrictions may not allow this - please contact your local GVO Manager.


3. Press the 'Upload' button and navigate to the file you wish to add. You can change the name of the file if you wish.

4. Press Submit.

The file will now be in the list of files in that folder....