OFSTED - Temporary user account

The GVO provides an excellent picture of the work of the Governors at your school or college. When OFSTED (or an external inspector of any sort) come to pay a visit it can be handy for them to have a user account so that they can find the information they are looking for (and to see the pro-active work of the governors).

NOTE: The alternative approach is to create an OFSTED PACK using the Meeting Pack Download feature to contain all the relevant files and add the generated PDF file to a Memory Stick for the Inspectors.

The best way to set an account up (as you will not know the email address of the inspectors) is to prepare an account ready for them using an email address that you control. This gives the advantage that you can sign in and see what they will see.

Follow the steps below....

1. Identify an email address that can be used for the OFSTED inspector to use (perhaps get the local ICT technician to set a school email address up eg OFSTED@nameofschool.co.uk) or use a Gmail address. You need to be able to access this email address to set the password.

2. The local GVO Manager sets up a new profile in the normal way (Users, Boards & Reporting then use the New Profile button) and assigns the email address above to be a 'Reader' with a name like Ofsted Inspector

3. Assign the new user to any groups where access is controlled - eg to a school folder or similar - use a Governor profile as an example to see which groups/boards they need adding to.

4. Sign into the email address to set a password via the link that will be there - you can generate new links from the profile area or by using 'forgotten password'

5. Sign into the GVO as the OFSTED inspector using that email address to make sure that they can only see what you want them to see. If you need to temporarily restrict any folders that can be done by the local GVO manager (call support if help is needed)

6. When the inspector is present you can show them how to visit www.thegvoffice.com/login and give them the username and password. They can review the GVO content with your help or by themselves.

7. After the inspection the local GVO Manager can make the account Inactive (Users, Boards & Reporting button, select the Users tab then select the account then Edit and set access to 'Inactive') until it is needed again. It is also good practice to remove access from any groups or boards for this account after the inspection.

Good luck!

Please call the Support Desk on 01273 921066 if you need any assistance.