Download and Printing of documents

Increasingly there is wi-fi available at home, at school and in public spaces and it should be possible to view documents 'online' on your tablet, smartphone or computer.

However, sometimes it is necessary to take a local 'copy' of a document or to print it out (to make notes etc).
Note: It is important to remember that the 'master' copy of any document is the one stored on the GVO and that there may be a confidentiality/data security issue with holding a local copy.

Firstly …. navigate to the document in the folder structure or, if in a meeting pack, just click on the title to open it.

When you access a document there will normally be options. The first is 'Preview' that is already there or that opens up a 'pop up' box for you to see the content very quickly...below is an example of a preview that is already there (a single stored document) and also one that is a 'pop up' as there are two documents attached to that page in GVO.

A Pop-Up preview...


You will also see the Comments tab and, if the document has approvals switched on then you will see the Approvals tab.

The second option is to 'Download' the document using the 'Download' button (sometimes accessed via the 'Attachment' tab). This will allow you to download the document to your device for local storage or printing.

...this allows you to decide where to store the local copy (be aware of confidentiality)