Reset Password or Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password or wish to reset it then follow the steps below. You will need to use the email address that is registered in the GVO.

1. Navigate to
2. Press the 'Forgotten Password' button

3. Enter your email address (the one you use to access the GVO) and select 'Request Password Reset'

You will see the following screen and  assuming that the email address is registered in the GVO a link will be sent to that email address...

The email will contain a link to reset your password - click on the link (see screen below). You must enter the new password twice (to make sure it is correctly typed) and press 'Reset Password'.

Enter your new password (twice) - if the boxes around the password are red this means that the two passwords are not the same. 

The password does not have any 'rules' - this of it more as a 'pass phrase'  - you are free to use uppercase, lowercase, spaces, numbers and special characters like !?£$%& etc in any way you want - this will provide a secure yet memorable password.

Example - the password could be ...  The Boy Stood On The Burning Deck 12345 !£!

Here is more useful information about creating a good password - PASSWORD ADVICE

Press 'Reset Password' to save your new password.

You will then see a confirmation message and then you will be sent to the normal Login Screen where you enter your email address and your new password to login.