Temporary User Access

There may be situations where it is necessary to grant 'temporary' access to the GVO to an individual or individuals. Examples where this is useful could be an OFSTED inspection or an external Audit.

Follow the steps below to set this up:

1. Set up an email address that can be used by the individual to login (eg ofsted@schoolname.co.uk) - you will need to be able to sign into this email account to access the password reset link. This is normally done by the school ICT department.

2. Arrange for your local GVO manager to set up a new GVO user account using this e-mail address as the login identifier. We recommend that the user should be set up as a 'Reader' and also care should be taken to add them into the correct user groups (to allow the correct access)

3. Sign into the email account, find the password link and set the GVO password to one that you will pass to the individual(s) during the inspection.

4. Sign in as the new temporary GVO user to verify that they can see what you want them to see and cannot see what you do not want them to see. Amend the profile and file security as required.

5. After the inspection it is good practice to remove the user (done by the local GVO Manager).

If you need any help with this process please call the GVO Support Desk on 01273 921066