Recover deleted items

Items (files, folders, tasks, discussions, policies) that are deleted are moved to the waste-bin. If the items are deleted in error then the local GVO Manager has the ability to recover them from the Waste-bin back to their original locations (along with associated comments and security).

The GVO Manager uses the 'Settings' option and goes to the Waste-Bin section, selects the items to restore and clicks 'Restore'. Select individual files to restore a file or files.

To recover a selected 'file' use the tick box adjacent to the item and then press the 'Restore Selected' button.

To recover a FOLDER and all its contents (including sub-folders) select folder to restore the folder (and all deleted contents) - it is important to select the top level folder of what was deleted to restore otherwise the system will not know where to put the lower level folder on recovery (in other words a 'child' folder needs to have the 'parent' folder otherwise it does not have a home!

Please note: If the recovery is to recover a folder that was accidentally deleted (and all its contents) it is VERY important that the highest level folder is selected and restored and that will restore all sub folders and files automatically.

If recovering a folder with a lot of content then please be patient as the process can take a few minutes if there is a lot of content to recover.

Settings Page (only for GVO Manager)...

Wastebin section....