Meeting Attendance - Reporting

The Meeting Attendance Reporting provides the facility to generate tailored reports that can be used for statutory reporting. There is an option to see the % Attendance figure in the reports as well.

To generate an attendance report navigate to the Users/Meeting Attendance Reporting area

This will open up the selection screen to create the report.

Make the selections as follows:

1. Select the board that you wish to report on (only boards where you are a member are displayed)

2. Select the board and/or committees to report on (as many/few as you want)

3. Select the Date Range (the dates are pre-populated for the previous 12 months - adjust as necessary)

4. Decide if you want to see the % Attendance figure for each board and committee meeting

5. Press 'Apply' to generate the report (see example)

There are options to download the report into PDF or EXCEL format.

An example PDF report is shown below.

Note: Any Guests or Observers at a meeting are highlighted with a * or **

Note: Attendance % is only displayed for Board and Committee members (not guests). The calculation is based upon the % of meetings the governor/trustee attended out of the number they should have attended (so N/A is excluded).
So, if a user attended 2 meetings, missed one and sent apologies for one (total 4 possible meetings) they would get a score of 50%

The report is structured to show the Board first then any selected committees afterwards. If any meeting has 'additional information' this will be displayed at the bottom of that meeting.