The GVO allows any Meeting Pack to be downloaded into a single PDF file for offline use (this facility needs to be switched on by the local GVO Manager depending upon the local policy for downloading information).
Switching on Meeting Pack Downlaod (GVO Manager only)
Note: This only works for meeting packs that have been created using links and attached files in a 'Calendar Event' - it will not work with meetings that are stored as lists of files in folders.
To download the meeting pack go to the meeting and use the 'Download Meeting Pack' - the way this is displayed and saved will be different depending on the device being used. Please ensure that the use of this feature complies with your local school/college policy for download of information.
The following dialogue box may appear so the file can be saved as required.
The format of the single file created is as follows:
- Meeting Details (Title, Date, Times, Notes and any comments)
- For each agenda item in the pack (either a link or attached file) there is a cover sheet containing the title, notes and any comments followed by the content of that item. For an agenda item that contains a link to a page with multiple files the the content of all the files will be shown.
- The list of agenda items at the top of the file allows you to click on it and jump to that item.
a) Any file access restrictions are respected so if you cannot access any item the downloaded PDF file will state that.
b) The download is just a snapshot of the meeting pack at that moment in time so if more items are added (for example by the clerk, chair or headteacher) then you must download a new copy. The download is time and date stamped.
c) If there is a link in the page that the agenda item points to that will not be included in the meeting pack download. Only files in the links are included.