The 'default' names for the three 'public' policy viewers are:-
1. GVO Name + Policy Viewer
2. GVO Name + Staff Policy Viewer
3. GVO Name + Students Policy Viewer
The name of each viewer can be changed by the GVO Manager or any user with 'edit board' in their user profile (only for boards that they are a member of).
To change the names of each viewer go to the Users, Boards and Reporting area from the main navigator
Select the 'Boards' tab and select the board where you wish to change the name of the public viewer (each board has 3 viewers - normally one for public, one for staff and one for students).
Select 'Edit Board'...
Scroll down to the 'Board Settings' area. This is where the Committees for the board are defined and also the names/features of the Public Policy Viewers.

Update the Public Viewer name as required and then press Submit. The viewer name will be updated. The name of the viewer will be EXACTLY what has been typed into each box.
The viewer can have the school/college logo added as well.
There is a checkbox against each viewer that decides if the Policy Type column is displayed.