Any user can update their own course completion/attendance record to mark that the course was attended/completed or the qualification gained.
Note: A user with 'manage training courses' in their profile can mark completion/attendance for other users in the same 'board' (useful in a MAT to allow the local clerk or training governor to have permission to do this).
To add your completion/attendance record to a training course so that it appears on your training record follow the steps below...
1. Navigate to the training records/courses tab to see the list of courses (example below)
2. Select the course you have completed/attended
The course details will be displayed and at the bottom is a 'Record Completion' button. Select this to mark your attendance.
Select the date you completed/attended. You will also have the opportunity to add a 'Training Certificate' to this training & compliance record if you have one. Press YES to save your training record.
NOTE: If you add your completion/attendance but forget to add the certificate then you need to delete the original record and add a new one (you cannot edit and add the file).
To Edit the date of completion/attendance, mark subsequent completion/attendance or delete your record follow the same steps and use the Edit (to edit), Delete (to delete) or Attend again.
Note: It is possible to have more than one completion/attendance record for a course if you need to retrain periodically. There are no limits to the number of records you can have for one course.
Important Note: When you mark your 'completion/attendance' against a course or compliance document your training record is added with the course details at that moment in time (imagine like a photograph). If the course info is subsequently changed (eg an expiry date added or the course name changed) this WILL NOT be reflected in your training record. You can add the updated info by editing a training record and saving again (or delete and add a new record) - this will refresh the course information.