Updating Skills Audit Categories & Questions

You may wish to update the Skills Audit Categories and Questions for many reasons - one example is that the NGA updated the list of categories & questions in September 2021 to include a section on Diversity and Inclusivity.

A brand new GVO will always come with the latest categories and questions (which you may still want to amend). If you have skills audit  'history' in your GVO but want to move to a new model then here are the steps to follow.

Firstly it is a good idea to save all the reports for the responses in the GVO to the existing Skills Audit.

1. Go to the Skills Reporting area in Users, Boards and Reporting and open the Skills Explorer

2. Select the categories and users that you wish to generate the report for (these will already be selected) then press 'Apply' to generate the reports.

3. Go to the Category Summary section and download the PDF and EXCEL files for the summary to your computer

4. Go to the  'Full Report' Section and download the PDF and EXCEL files for the Full Report to your computer.

5. Go to the bottom of the reports area and download the 'Detailed Data' (EXCEL) to your Computer

6. Create a suitable folder in your GVO and load these 'Snapshot Reports' into that folder - this ensures that you have not lost the 'History' of the responses already made.


The next stage is to set up your new audit categories and questions (either based upon the latest NGA Audit or whatever methodology you wish to use).

This is done in the Settings area - only available to GVO Managers and applicable to the whole GVO (so all schools in a MAT see the same categories and questions).

Go to Settings/Skills Matrix ...

Here you have the possibility to ->

1. Delete Categories
2. Add Categories
3. Add/Edit/Delete Questions
4. Drag and Drop questions and categories to get them into the sequence you want (this includes dragging questions between categories) - it is all intuitive.


If you really do want to 'start again' with a completely new Skills Audit then it is best to download the reports then delete all the categories and add new ones and then add the questions into each category.

As an example the GVO Support Team updated an old set of categories and questions into a new, updated set in about 30 minutes in our Demonstration GVO  (you do need the categories and questions at hand).