Multi Academy Trusts (MAT)

The GVO can be configured to help with Governance in a multi-academy trust (MAT). As more schools are becoming academies and multi-academy trusts are being formed there is a need for information sharing within each school and also across the trust. The GVO has a very flexible structure that can be set up exactly as you require.

It is also possible to take a stand-alone GVO and convert it into a MAT GVO or migrate it into an existing MAT GVO - in these more complex situations please contact the support desk on 01273 921066 and we will be happy to assist.

A MAT GVO allows the following:-

- A user account for each governor/trustee in the MAT
- Each user profile can be set up with specific access and activity permissions - these can be different in each school
- The GVO can be set up so that each school has its own area for local board activity
- Visibility of information (Trustees to schools, schools to Trust etc) can be configured to meet your needs
- Governors can be members of more than one school
- GVO allows for personal data 'redaction' so that governors in one school within the MAT cannot see the personal details of governors in other schools. Only governors within the same local boards can see personal details (such as email addresses and telephone numbers)
- The local GVO Manager has the access level to set this up and to manage it (with support from the GVO Support Desk)
- Private 'Rooms' can be set up for each school and the Trust with enhanced levels of security
- Boards (Trustee and Local) can be created and Governor Records created for all users