In additional to the ability to 'Subscribe' or 'Unsubscribe' yourself to content in GVO to get live updates certain users can also subscribe other users to content changes (eg page edits, new comments or approvals).
Who can Subscribe other users?
- GVO Managers
- Users who have 'Subscribe Other Users' in their user profile (if this is needed it is added by the GVO Manager to that user profile). There is a setting to allow a user to subscribe others to new comments and a separate option to subscribe others to 'approvals'
Why is is facility available?
This feature has been added to assist where it is the clerk or other admin users who are adding content (documents, reports etc) on behalf of other users - an example might be a clerk who adds a headteacher's report to GVO - it is really the headteacher who needs to be alerted to comments and not the clerk. In this case the clerk can 'subscribe' the headteacher (the headteacher could also self subscribe).
How does this work?
On any 'page' in GVO (file, page, event, meeting, discussion, policy) then go to the Comments tab - those users with the ability to subscribe other users (managers plus those with this feature in their profile) will see an extra button.
Pressing this button will open up the list of people who can access this item...
Select the people who you wish to subscribe and press submit and there will be a confirmation message asking you to confirm your action (it cannot be undone!)
Press 'Yes' and they will be subscribed (you will get confirmation) and press 'No' to abandon the process.
NOTE: There is an identical process that allows certain users to 'Subscribe Others' to approvals (eg Policies or Documents with Approval) - SUBSCRIBE OTHERS TO APPROVAL ALERTS
NOTE: Please think carefully about who you are subscribing as you will be increasing the email load into their inbox - only subscribe those people who really need and want to have live updates.