Files or Pages


GVO provides a comprehensive and flexible folder structure so every document has a home and can be easily located. This folder structure is set up to meet your local needs and is managed by the school GVO Manager (often the Clerk).

One big benefit of the GVO is that any comments made by governors are stored against individual documents as a record of governor engagement.

The GVO allows you to store documents in two ways – as a single document or on a page.

 So, what is the difference between them…

FILE  – this is the most common way to upload a document to the GVO.

Using the Actions button choose the ‘New File’ option, select ‘upload’, find the file you wish to add, select it, provide a description and press submit. This will add the file to the GVO and a preview will be available immediately. You can also use the ‘Notify’ or ‘SHARE’ function to send a secure link to selected governors if you wish.

Here is the ‘Preview’…

Here is the ‘Attachment’…

PAGE – this is a more flexible option in that you have a large area to add text and tables and also the ability to add multiple files if necessary. To add a page follow the same process – use the Actions button, select ‘New page’, add your text and file(s) and submit. In this example we have some text, a table and two attached files.

For single files we recommend using the ‘New file’ option as you get a Preview straight way.

In both cases it is possible to add specific access restrictions to the File or Page.

Here are the differences - choose what works best in each situation