Folder Types

When a folder is created there are three options for the type of folder. The most common is a 'Standard' folder used to store files (WORD, EXCEL, PDF etc). There are a number of additional options - see the later section on this help page.

1. Standard Folder - this is the most common folder type and is used to store documents and meetings. Users (with relevant permissions) can add files, pages and links (see help on files and pages).

2. Policy Maintenance - this folder type is specific to Policies and has the additional benefit of displaying effective date, review date, policy owners - when a user presses the Actions key the first option is 'New Policy'. Sub folders can be added.

When a folder of this type is viewed the columns for 'Effective Date, 'Review Date', Policy Type' and 'Policy Owner' are displayed.

Note: To add a file to a Policy folder you must create the file in a standard folder and move it to the Policy folder.

3. Discussion Zone - this folder type is for Discussions (so when an item is added it will propose a New Discussion Topic rather than a normal document).

The 'default' is that the folder will be the same type as its parent (if it has one) or a 'Standard' folder.

If you create the wrong type of folder then you can go back and edit it. Navigate to the folder, press Actions/Folder Properties then Actions/Edit Folder Properties and change the folder type.

Below is a simple diagram showing the 'Folder Options' available to you...