Folder Display Options


When a folder is created (or edited) the GVO offers several options about how the folders and files will be displayed. These options can be applied at the folder level (so different folders can be set up in different ways). If no features are set then the folder will inherit the features from the 'parent' folder or if it is a top level folder it will list content 'newest first'.

There is an option to have the sub-folders listed first and then the documents or a second option to have them all listed together.

There are options to have the items displayed in the following sequence:

1. By 'Type' (eg WORD, EXCEL, PDF, Task, Meeting)
2. By 'Title' of the document (this is the most commeon)
3. By 'Last modified date'
4. By 'Last modified by'

To set the initial display order for a folder you click on Actions/Folder Properties then Actions/Edit Folder Properties. Select the order you want and press Submit.

When you are in a folder you can change the display sequence by using the icon shown below that is shown at the top of each column. Most columns can be selected and then be seen either ascending or descending.

You will also see the type of document (each type with a unique icon, a key next to the icon if specific access controls are in place, the number of comments (and approvals) against each item in the folder.

The final part of the Folder set-up determines if the changes to the content will appear in the weekly newsletter or if it can be 'published' to a public viewer.

The first checkbox is to switch off any updates in the weekly newsletter - this is helpful for a folder being used as an archive (it can prevent warning messages about old policies being overdue).

The second checkbox determines if any content can appear in public policy viewers - again useful to switch off for an archive policy folder.