Notifications - Good Practice

The GVO Notification function is a very quick and secure way to pass information to Governors. To avoid 'email overload' the following is considered to be 'good practice'.

1. When adding a file, discussions, meeting, policy etc save it and check it first (to make sure all the content is correct). If you use the 'notify by email' functions whilst creating or editing an item there is a risk that you send a notification to a document still containing errors.

2. Consider if a GVO notification is necessary or can it wait until the weekly newsletter on Sunday

3. If a notification is required (to send to particular Governors to ask for specific action) then use the 'SHARE' option.

4. Only select those GVO users/groups who need to see the item (to avoid email overload). Only use 'notify all' if it is really for everybody to see.

5. Use the text field in the notification email to mention specific actions and timescales so that the recipients know what is expected of them