SHARE & Notify

Notifications (Share Function)

The GVO will automatically send an update to each user every Sunday morning (or whichever day has been chosen)  which contains information about what has happened during the previous week and also information about forthcoming meetings as well as Policies and Tasks that are due for review.

Sometimes it is necessary to alert governors (all or a selection) to a document immediately and this is where the SHARE function is very helpful.

On all Documents, Meetings, Calendar Events, Tasks, Discussions, Policies you will see the ‘SHARE’ button which allows you to send an instant email containing a link directly to that item and the chance to add some text. The SHARE function allows you to select which governors receive this instant email notification.

When you use the SHARE button the following screen opens up.

Select the ‘Notify All Users’ to email everybody in the GVO (make sure they all need to receive the email) or select any specific governors (or groups) using the checkboxes. You have the opportunity to overwrite the email title with anything you want and to add the summary text that will be in the email.

Note: It is good practice to make the Subject of the email and the Message very clear so that the recipient knows why they have received the notification.

Suggestions include adding FYI , For Approval, For Comment by dd/mm/yyyy etc

When you are happy then press ‘Submit’ and the email will be sent (you will get a confirmation if you included yourself in the list of recipients*). The email will contain a link to the document or item you have shared (when the recipient click the link they will be taken to the screen you have sent the 'Share' from).

Helpful Hint: There is a 'Preference' option in your user profile to automatically include yourself when using SHARE. To set (or unset) this click on your email address top right and select Profile.


In your profile select Edit and select or deselect the options you require (this is also where you can update other personal details as well).

Note 1: Only users who can access this content will be offered. Inactive users are not shown.

Note 2: The email that is sent out can be sent with email addresses visible (CC) or invisible (BCC) - this is decided by a master setting in your GVO (BCC is used for Multi-Academy Trusts to avoid email addresses of all users being visible).