Page Copy

It is possible to 'copy' a page - this can be helpful if you have a 'temp0late' page that you wish to have copied. Your user profile needs to allow page copy to be used - if it is not available speak with your local GVO Manager.

When a copy is made the following is in place:-

1. The target folder location is requested
2. Page 'Description' is copied
3. File Attachments are copied
4. Comments are removed
5. Approvals (if relevant) are removed
6. Subscriptions are removed
7. Access controls are removed (the page has the same access as the containing folder

The new 'page' has a creation date of the time of the copy and the page is 'owned' by the person making the copy.

To make a copy navigate to the page and user Actions/Copy

Then select the target folder and press OK.

The page will be copied and the title will have the words 'Copy of' at the start of the title. You can then edit the copied page as appropriate.