Skills Matrix - Master Data (Categories and Questions)

The GVO provides a very 'flexible' numerical audit tool that can be configured locally to ask the questions that are needed to identify skills strengths/weaknesses for the board (across a School/College or across a Trust). The audit can be broken down into 'Categories' (as many as required) and within each Category a series of questions can be set. The actual categories and questions are locally determined. The responses to the questions can be 'blank', N/A, or 1-5 (where 1 implies a 'low' score and '5' meaning a high score) - many different 'audit models' use Low-Med-High, 1-3, 1-4, 1-10 etc - GVO uses 1-5 and this is fixed. The system provides full colour-coded out based on the numerical responses.

When a GVO is first set up the Categories and Questions used in the Skills Matrix are based on the NGA set of questions (October 2021).  LINK TO NGA SKILLS AUDIT & MATRIX

Whilst the GVO initially has the categories and questions from the NGA audit set up you can add, edit or delete any category or question to suit your local school/college circumstances - this all depends what numerical information you are hoping to gain from the skills audit.

The ability to make these changes is only available to the GVO Manager and it is accessed in the Settings area under the Skills tab.

This will open up the page that allows all the categories and questions to be set up. There  are a set of instructions at the top and the page allows you to:-

a) Add a Category (please use CAPITALS)
b) Delete a Category
c) Edit a category (Title - please use CAPITALS)
d) Add a question to a Category
e) Edit a question in a Category (if the question has changed fundamentally please delete it and add a new question)
f) Delete a question from a Category

The order of the questions in a category can be moved using 'drag+drop' (not on iPad). The order of the Categories can be changed using 'drag+drop' (not on iPad).

To 'drag and drop' a question (to change the order within a category) use the 3 line icon.

Please remember to SUBMIT to save your changes (bottom of the page)

Helpful Hint: In a MAT there may be a need to have different questions for Trustees and for Governors. The simplest way to do this is to have a set of categories for the Governors and a set for the Trustees. The normal reporting will show both but the data can be dropped into EXCEL for easy manipulation.